Not Just Plantain, But A Reminder
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuLlah wa barakaatuh.
Trust that you're good, striving and thriving.
On Friday, I was prepping for a presentation-marathon , I had four presentations , 3 that required brain power and the last that required my full attention and moderation. It was one of those times when I had muddled up my calendars and there was no way out. Anyway, it was Friday and I had to figure out my shopping list for the weekend. I was prepping and thinking , I need one main item that is easy to cook ,I can make three types of meals out of and I will not get tired of eating. After a lot of thinking, it struck me! Plantain! I could boil it, fry it, and even combine it with something else! Alhamdullilahi! It was my perfect marathon meal! I thought about some more ( a little too much actually) and before I knew it, I didn’t ‘want’ plantain anymore, I ‘needed’ it.
Now the problem with that is, I don’t live in a place with a lot of commercial activity, so my chances of getting plantain were really slim. I accepted my fate and decided to leave the house, craving in my mind, shopping list at hand! I was driving the supermarket and just as I was about to make the turning, I saw it! There it was.. Laying causally on a tray on the road…PLANTAIN! I could not believe it! A bunch of plantain was right there! I was like this cannot be happening, it was in the most awkward spot and I am pretty sure I had never seen it there before.
I got home and was reflecting on how miraculous this incident was. Let me explain, I told NO ONE about this craving, I honestly didn’t even make Dua about it, I was thinking of a marathon friendly meal and it popped in my head! Then I thought I could not could not get it! aaannddd then I found it in a spot I have never noticed it before. If that is not exciting enough, there’s the history of the plantain itself, It was planted on a farm that only Allah knows where. It got the right rain and sunshine, made it to the harvest list, survived the stress of transportation, made the distributor’s cut, and then the got to the seller , who stayed at the spot where I could buy from him and then fulfill my need! What a journey… Allahu Akbar!
There is never a coincidence with Allah, it is ALL part of His perfect plan.
This is my reminder that Allah He sees me, he hears me and he knows what’s within my heart.
Mini- Activity: Reflect on your week/month and think of all the things you did not remember to ask for, that Allah still gave to you. Write them down and say Alhamdullilahi robbil alameen!
An increase in one's blessings - God promises that He will increase us in our bounties as long as we are grateful to Him. According to the erudite scholar, Imam Jamal Uddin Al Qasimi, the manner in which we thank Him has five dimensions:
1. To acknowledge these blessings (by recognising and praising Allah for providing these blessings to us).
2. To attribute our blessings to our Creator (to preface any mention of blessings by saying "Alhamdulillah, I have passed my exams," for instance, and never to be deluded in thinking that this blessing was solely a result of my own efforts).
3. To never misuse any such blessings in a way that goes against the will of our Creator (for example, not to spend blessings of money in a prohibited manner).
Seeker’s Circle With Jubril Saba
Seeker’s Circle on Sunday was amazing! Honestly, I wish I had a better way to describe that session. I think this attend did it justice ‘ I came to this session thinking I would get 3-paged duas and adhkars and nawafils to be doing while at work and it’s so amazing how the little day-to-day things are things that we can benefit so much from, and are acts of Ibadah. May Allah make it easy for us.’
Now for the replay, just make a TON of Dua for it to come out in one piece(no jokes) we are in a bit of a situation. In the meantime, please fill out our feedback form, this session was as a result of the data you gave us, your responses helps us get , please take out 3 minutes to fill it.
Don’t you just LOVE convert stories? I stumbled on another one recently and it was just beautiful, sad and inspiring all at the same. But it was overall, really impactful! I won’t tell you too much, but you should check it out here.
Till Next Week, Insha Allah
We leave you in Allah’s care,
One of us at Ibadahplug